Cell-Pet Junior®

Oxygen, Minerals, Enzymes And Amino Acids

A Cell Pet® Junior egy folyékony koncentrátum, amely kolloid ásványi anyagokat és táplálékkiegészítőket tartalmaz. Minden nap hozzá kell adni a háziállat ivóvízébe. Javítja a csontok egészségét, elősegíti az emésztést, növeli az immunitást.
Csomagolás Per palack Ár Megtakarítás Megrendelés
5 üveg
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 15775.28
Ft 78876.38Ft 15775.28
Ft 86160.38
4 üveg
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 17425.64
Ft 69702.57Ft 17425.64
Ft 62326.83
3 üveg
Ingyenes Légiposta Hot
Ft 20176.26
Ft 60528.77Ft 20176.26
Ft 38493.29
2 üveg
Ft 23842.72
Ft 47685.44Ft 23842.72
Ft 18329.26
1 üveg
Ft 33007.35
Ft 33007.35Ft 33007.35
Cell-pet Junior



  • CellFood

Cell Pet Junior

What is this product

Oxygen for Life Junior Cell Pet Supplement for Pets is the perfect and must have products for puppies. This is oxygen mineral supplement in liquid state and comes in a colloidal form. This product is 95% absorbed directly into the blood stream. It does not have any side effects.
The magical supplement is a potent combination of minerals, metabolic enzymes and amino acids. The administrations for this is simple just mix it with your pet’s drinking water and your pet will easily take it. This supplement will help to improve the luster of your coat. The extra oxygen helps to improve the digestion in your pet. The Cell pet supplement will also help to reduce lethargy among pets and remove any distress. It gives a boost to the immunity system, which helps to ward of diseases. This is very easy to useful and shows fast results. It assists in the development of bones as well.


  • 95% absorption into blood stream
  • Develops bones
  • Facilitates in digestion
  • Boosts immunity system


  • Quantity – 10 ml
  • Form – Liquid