Fiprofort Plus Cats and Kittens

Firpronil + Methoprene

Fiprofort Plus Spot-On Solution For Cats and kittens 8 hetes vagy annál idősebb kiscicák számára is alkalmas. Megöli a bolhákat, a bolhatojásokat és a kullancsokat. Segít a bolhafertőzés minden stádiumának megelőzésében, beleértve 1 hónapos fertőzéseket is. Szabályozza és kezeli a bolhaallergiás dermatitiszt. Az alkalmazást követő 2 hétig védi a bénulást hozhat kullancsok ellen. Megakadályozza az újrafertőződést, a készítmény gyors és tartós hatást fejt ki.
Csomagolás Per spray Ár Megtakarítás Megrendelés
5 spray
Ft 12049.50
Ft 60247.51Ft 12049.50
Ft 60187.24
4 spray
Ft 14057.42
Ft 56229.67Ft 14057.42
Ft 40118.13
3 spray
Ft 16064.66
Ft 48193.99Ft 16064.66
Ft 24066.86
2 spray
Ft 18070.24
Ft 36140.47Ft 18070.24
Ft 12033.43
1 spray
Ft 24086.95
Ft 24086.95Ft 24086.95
Fiprofort Plus Cats And Kittens


  • Finecure Pharmaceuticals


Fiprofort Plus Cats and Kittens Spot-On Solution

What is Fiprofort Plus Cats and Kittens?

Fiprofort Plus Spot On For Cats is a specialized medicine that helps to eliminate all fleas and ticks from cats and kittens. It can be used on any kitten of eight weeks and older.

How should I use this medicine?

Break the snap-off top from the pipette along the scored line. Part the hair at back of cat, at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the pipette on the skin and squeeze gently at one or two spots to empty its contents onto the skin. Care should be taken to avoid excessive wetting of hair during treatment of cats. Do not allow treated cats to lick each other or rub against other animals until the application site is dry.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Hazardous to Human.
This product may cause irritation of mucous membranes, skin and eyes. So avoid contact of the product with the mouth, skin or eyes. Cats or those who have known hypersensitivity to insecticides or alcohol should avoid contact with the drug. Avoid contact of contents with the fingers. If this occurs, wash hands with soap and water. In case of accidental exposure with eyes, rinse with clean water carefully. Do not handle treated cats and don’t allow children to play with treated cats until the application site is dry. It is therefore recommended that cats are not treated in the day but in the early evening and that recently treated cats are not allowed to sleep with owners, especially children. Do not smoke, drink or eat during application.
For external use only.
FIPROFORT PLUS is safe for use in cats and kittens over 8 weeks of age and in breeding, pregnant or lactating queens. Do not use FIPROFORT PLUS if you or your pet has a known hypersensitivity to insecticides or alcohol.
Store below 30°C in dark place. Protect from heat.
Keep away from heat and open flame.