Csomagolás | Per palack | Ár | Megtakarítás | Megrendelés |
5 üveg
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 13206.61
Ft 66033.05Ft 13206.61
Ft 80656.09
4 üveg
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 14673.50
Ft 58694.00Ft 14673.50
Ft 58657.31
3 üveg
Ft 15895.15
Ft 47685.44Ft 15895.15
Ft 40328.05
2 üveg
Ft 22007.96
Ft 44015.92Ft 22007.96
Ft 14659.74
1 üveg
Ft 29337.83
Ft 29337.83Ft 29337.83
What is this product
Controls the destruction of tear glands and normalizes homeostasis at the ocular surface. Improves natural production and maintains viscosity of tear. Reduces painful inflammation and preserves the ophthalmic degradations.
Dosage :
KCS 4 to 2 drop twice a day VKC 4 to 2 drop twice a day 3 can be useful in immune responsive otitesis media