Call us for more information:

Perrysburg: 419-874-8878
Pemberville: 419-287-7088

Medication Therapy Management

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a pharmacy’s specialty service, in collaboration with the patient’s physician and caregivers. It aims to improve the outcome of treatment through maximizing the use of medicines and drugs.

Medication Review
Together with your personal physician, we will review your medical history to trace the factors that may cause or shift the direction of plan as well as those which will be considered in the planning of the treatment. As the initial process, it bears a significant weight for the setting of goals by which the treatment outcome could be measured against.

With your medical history being reviewed, it is also in this step wherein your health is equally assessed, the medication strength that your are tolerant, your immunity, and your body’s response to certain types of medications or medication-related risks.

MTM Planning
After which, your MTM plan will be made based on the mapped medical profile on record. This plan will entail the processes you will undergo, the type of medications to take, and the auxiliary services to be used in maximizing the effect of medication therapy. This will be echoed with your healthcare providers and caregivers.

MTM Service Roll-Out
This is now the implementation phase wherein your adherence to the plan is thoroughly monitored. We will coordinate the care and will do regular checks to insure that the plan is carried out.

Largely based on your counter-reaction to the treatment, we will reassess if the outcome is able to meet the goals of the plan, and if there is a further need to modify the procedure. The effectivity would decide if there is a need for a re-conduction and evaluation.

If you have questions about Medication Therapy Management, just call Anson Pharmacy of Perrysburg at 419-874-8878 or Anson Pharmacy of Pemberville at 419-287-7088 and talk to one of our experts.