

Bayrocin® (Enrofloxacin) er en antibakteriel tablet til hunde og katte. Enrofloxacin er et syntetisk kemoterapeutisk middel fra klassen af ​​quinoloncarboxylsyrederivater. Det har antibakteriel aktivitet mod et bredt spektrum af gram-negative og gram-positive bakterier. Det absorberes hurtigt fra fordøjelseskanalen og trænger ind i alle målte kropsvæv og væsker.
Pakke Per pille Pris Besparelser Bestilling
180 tablet
Gratis Luftpostforsendelse Hot
kr 6.19
kr 1113.55kr 6.19
kr 1565.99
120 tablet
kr 6.87
kr 824.76kr 6.87
kr 961.59
90 tablet
kr 7.56
kr 680.37kr 7.56
kr 659.40
60 tablet
kr 8.59
kr 515.35kr 8.59
kr 377.83
30 tablet
kr 14.89
kr 446.59kr 14.89
Pakke Per pille Pris Besparelser Bestilling
180 tablet
Gratis Luftpostforsendelse Hot
kr 7.22
kr 1299.20kr 7.22
kr 1792.89
120 tablet
kr 8.59
kr 1031.04kr 8.59
kr 1030.35
90 tablet
kr 9.62
kr 866.02kr 9.62
kr 680.03
60 tablet
kr 13.75
kr 824.76kr 13.75
kr 205.93
30 tablet
kr 17.18
kr 515.35kr 17.18



  • Bayer

Enrofloxacin tablets

What is Enrofloxacin ?

Enrofloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic used in to treat animals afflicted with certain bacterial infections. This drug belongs to a class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones and is not effective against infections caused by viruses, fungi or parasites.
Enrofloxacin works by inhibiting the process of DNA synthesis within the bacterial cells, which results in cell death. This drug is commonly used to treat a range of bacterial infections, including those of the skin,urinary tract and respiratory system, as well as infections that result from wounds.

Side Effects

As with all veterinary products some unwanted effects can occur from the use of enrofloxacin tablets. Always consult veterinary physician or animal care specialist for medical advice before use.
Common side effects include:diarrhea or loose stools. On very rare occasions, an animal may experience a seizure, while younger animals may experience swollen joints, general lethargy.
For a comprehensive list of all possible effects, consult a veterinary physician.
If any symptom persists or gets worse, or you notice any other symptom, then please seek veterinary medical treatment immediately.

Additional Information

Always consult a veterinary physician or animal care specialist before using enrofloxacin tablets.If the condition does not improve or becomes worse, then call a veterinary physician or animal care specialist.
Refer to an animal care specialist for guidelines on dosage. Do not exceed what they advise, and complete the full treatment, as stopping early can result in a recurrence or worsen the problem.