Petstar Shampoo®

Neem, Aloe Vera

Shampoo con estratto di aloe vera, balsamo e altri ingredienti naturali che conferiscono all'animale un mantello sano e lucido. Rende il pelo liscio e morbido. La formulazione delicata non danneggia la pelle e i capelli degli animali domestici. Il condizionatore fornisce una maggiore scorrevolezza. Non allergico, deterge la pelle lasciandola morbida ed elastica.
Confezione Per bottiglia Prezzo Risparmio Ordine
5 bottiglia
€ 22.12
€ 110.61€ 22.12
€ 188.85
4 bottiglia
€ 25.35
€ 101.38€ 25.35
€ 138.18
3 bottiglia
€ 30.72
€ 92.16€ 30.72
€ 87.51
2 bottiglia
€ 41.47
€ 82.94€ 41.47
€ 36.84
1 bottiglia
€ 59.89
€ 59.89€ 59.89
Petstar Shampoo

Marca (Marchi)


  • Mankind

PetStar Neem & Aloe Vera Shampoo

PetStar shampoo consist Neem, Aloe Vera, conditioner, other natural ingredients that are known to give your furry friends a healthy and shiny coat. Nourish, moisturize and ensure health with super-agent neem and its partner Aloe Vera. Robust presents the neem shampoo with a special Aloe Vera blend that heals and nourishes the coat. Regular use of our neem shampoo will ensure healthy fur and prevent infestations. This is the perfect herbal treat for all pets. Pets Friend Ensure the quality product for your loving one.


  • Moisturize
  • Robust presents the neem shampoo with a special Aloe Vera blend that heals and nourishes the coat
  • Regular use of our neem shampoo will ensure healthy fur and prevent infestations


Not for Human use only for pet vetenery use.
Avoid Contact with eyes.
Keep away from children.