Furglow Skin And Coat Tonic®

Minerals, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc

Furglow® Skin and Coat Tonic. A pelagem e a condição da pele do animal de estimação são um reflexo direto de seu estado de saúde. Os ácidos graxos ômega 6 e ômega 3 equilibrados (Ácidos Graxos Essenciais) são essenciais para a saúde da pele, promovem a membrana celular e a formação de células nervosas. O zinco desempenha um papel vital na prevenção da dermatite escamosa e da perda de cabelo. Furglow contém óleos derivados de plantas que são ricos em ácidos graxos ômega 6 e ômega 3. Furlgow também fornece zinco e selênio, minerais essenciais para a pele saudável em animais de estimação. As vitaminas A e E foram adicionadas para apoiar o crescimento geral do cabelo. Furglow, é fortificado com vitamina B6, biotina e vitamina D.
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5 garrafa
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€ 33.18
€ 165.88€ 33.18
€ 202.61
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€ 36.86
€ 147.44€ 36.86
€ 147.35
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€ 39.93
€ 119.79€ 39.93
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€ 55.28
€ 110.57€ 55.28
€ 36.83
1 garrafa
€ 73.70
€ 73.70€ 73.70
Furglow Skin And Coat Tonic


  • Himalaya

Furglow skin and coat tonic

What is this product

Shiny, glowing and healthy coat showcases the charisma of the healthy dogs. Furglow plays a vital role in making your dogs’ coats and hair shiny and dandruff-free. Enriched with the fatty acids, Omega 6 and Omega 3 in the ratio of 10:1, they are integral nutrients for good skin health, promoting cell membrane, and nerve cell formation. Furglow is an absolute tonic for hair shedding, skin infections, and pyoderma.
Furglow consists of Zinc and selenium that play vital roles in preventing scaly dermatitis, hair loss, and healthy skin. It is applicable for all types of allergic skin conditions like flea bite, atopy, fungal, and bacterial skin infections. It nourishes the skin and restores luster to the coat.


  • Promotes hair growth and removes dandruff
  • Gives a shiny and glossy coat
  • Ideal tonic for all kinds of allergic skin conditions and recurrent infections
  • Constitutes Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Vitamin D
  • Good for healthy and nourished skin and hair loss

Recommended Daily Dosages:

  • Pups small breeds- 1.5 to 2.5 ml twice
  • Pups Large breeds- 3 to 5 ml twice
  • Adults small breeds- 5 to 10 ml twice
  • Adults large breeds- 10 to 15 ml twice
  • Cats- 2.5 to 5 ml twice