
Silybum Marianum, Tephrosia Purpurea,solanum Nigrum

El jarabe Hepamust es un tónico hepático altamente sabroso que contiene 15 hierbas únicas. Silybum marianum ayuda a promover la regeneración del tejido hepático. Tinospora cardifolia ejerce una acción protectora contra las toxinas. Phyllanthus niuri protege las células hepáticas del estrés oxidativo. El jarabe de hepamust es útil en el tratamiento de trastornos hepáticos idiopáticos, anorexia, debilidad, etc. También es útil para promover abrigos de pelo ricos y piel sana en las mascotas.
Empaquetado Per botella Precio Ahorro Order
5 botella
Mex$ 425.07
Mex$ 2125.33Mex$ 425.07
Mex$ 3944.88
4 botella
Mex$ 506.02
Mex$ 2024.08Mex$ 506.02
Mex$ 2832.09
3 botella
Mex$ 607.19
Mex$ 1821.57Mex$ 607.19
Mex$ 1820.56
2 botella
Mex$ 809.53
Mex$ 1619.06Mex$ 809.53
Mex$ 809.02
1 botella
Mex$ 1214.04
Mex$ 1214.04Mex$ 1214.04



  • Mankind

Hepamust Syrup


The liver supplement is specially designed for providing relief from liver disorders of idiopathic origin. Helps in curing anorexia and debility and promoting for a rich hair coat & healthy skin.


  • Promotes healthy skin and hair.
  • Provides relief from liver disorders.
  • Helps cure anorexia and debility.


Silybum marianum - 3.75%,
Tephrosia purpurea - 2.50%,
Solanum nigrum - 1.50%,
Edipta alba - 1.50%
Tinospora cordifolia - 1.50%,
Cichorium intybus - 1.50%,
Phyllanthus niruri - 1.50%,
Fumaria parviflora - 1.25%,
Cassia occidentalis - 0.75%,
Boerhavia diffusa - 0.75%,
Terminalia arjuna - 0.75%,
Terminaliachebula - 0.38%,
Embelia ribes - 0.75%,
Centella asiatica - 1.50%,
Ocimum sanctum - 0.10%,
Syrup base.

Directions & Dosages:

Depending on the weight of the pet, the syrup should be given 2 - 3 times.

Up to 5 kg weight: 0.5 tsp.
5 to 15 kg weight: 1 tsp.
15 to 25 kg weight: 1.5 tsp.
25 to 50 kg weight: 2 to 3 tsp.
Above 50 kg weight: 2 tbsp.


For animal use only.
Not for human use.
Keep away from children.

