"R" - Ranexa, Rashfree, Rebetol, Red Reishi Mushroom Powder, Red Viagra, Reeflec V, Refreshing And Clarifying Toner, Refreshing Cleansing Milk, Refreshing Fruit Pack, Reglan

Ranexa (ranolazine) er en anti-anginal medisiner. Det fungerer ved å forbedre blodtilførselen å hjertet arbeide mer effektivt. Ranolazine brukes til å behandle kronisk angina (brystsmerter). Ranolazine er ikke for bruk under et akutt (beredskap) angrep av angina.

Rashfree® - cream, a brand of Benzalkonium chloride and Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a topical skin product that is used as a protective coating for mild skin irritations and abrasions. It can promote the healing of chapped skin and diaper rash. Zinc oxide works as a mild astringent and has some antiseptic properties. Zinc oxide is commonly used to prevent or to treat diaper rash by forming a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper.

Generic Rebetol is used for treating hepatitis C infection in certain patients when used in combination with interferon.

Red Reishi mushroom, manufactured by Urban Platter and released in a 50g bottle is known for being a powerful immune system booster and one of nature’s most healing mushrooms. We meticulously source our mushrooms, ensuring that they are free of toxins or fillers. Our reishi extract contains a minimum of 30% polysaccharides. The flavor of reishi is bitter and works best brewed as a tea, added to sweetened tonics, coffees and in chocolate concoctions. For an extra health boost, add it into your coffee, tea, green smoothies, post-workout protein shakes, as an extra ingredient in your favorite recipes or maybe even an upgrade in your bulletproof coffee.

Rød Viagra er en sildenafil-tablett med høyere dosering enn standard Viagra. Det betyr høyere effektivitet og tillater oppnåelse av hard ereksjon.

Reeflec V - er en spesiell vaginal innstramming krem, laget av Lasky Herbal, som gir deg full ungdommelighet og bringer tilbake i vagina i sin opprinnelige form og forbedrer innstramming sensasjon og øker følsomheten vagina. Den viktige funksjoner i det er: oppstrammende og stramme skjeden naturlig på samme tid gir mer glede og komfort; den inneholder østrogen å hjelpe til å gjenopprette smøring løse problemet med vaginal tørrhet; det hjelper på å gjenopprette smidighet i skjeden; øker vaginal sekresjon og sammentrekning av vaginal kanalen; Det er en anti-inflammatorisk krem som stopper svelling og fjerne av ubehagelig lukt; det er nyttig i beskyttelse mot mikrobielle patogener og vaginal sopp; krem kontrakter og fornyer vaginal vegger å intensivere intime nytelse. Hver Vaginal Innstramming Krem flaske inneholder 50 g av urte substans.

Refreshing and clarifying toner® - an alcohol-free herbal formulation that deep cleanses pores and keeps skin oil free without over drying. Lentil deep cleanses pores, while Citrus Lemon refreshes and cleanses.

Refreshing cleansing milk® - special blend of herbs that gently removes dirt, makeup and daily impurities while maintaining your skin's natural moisture balance.

Refreshing Fruit Pack® blends together a host of natural fruity ingredients that leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and soft. The extracts of Papaya, Fig, Crab Apple, Cucumber and Fuller’s Earth nourish the skin and improve skin glow. Our Refreshing Fruit Pack cools the skin, smoothening it and removing deeply embedded impurities.

Generic Reglan is used for short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in certain patients who do not respond to other therapy. It is used to treat symptoms of a certain digestive problem in diabetic patients (diabetic gastroparesis).

Generisk Remeron brukes til behandling av depresjon.

Generic Reminyl improves the function of nerve cells in the brain. It works by preventing the breakdown of a chemical called acetylcholine (ah see til KO leen). People with dementia usually have lower levels of this chemical, which is important for the processes of memory, thinking, and reasoning. Galantamine is used to treat mild to moderate dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease. Galantamine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Generic Renagel is used for reducing the amount of phosphorus in the blood in patients with chronic kidney disease who are on dialysis.

Renal Essential tabs are suitable for dogs and puppies suffering from kidney or renal disorders. It maintains kidney function through supporting renal circulation, immune and antioxidant defense system functions, homocysteine balance, normal fluid retention, stress management, liver functions, and normal detoxification.

Relieves painful/burning urination. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Renalka soothe the inflamed mucosa, and alleviate the burning sensation or pain that occurs during urination.

Generisk Renova er en aktuell form for vitamin A som hjelper huden til å fornye seg selv. Den brukes til å redusere synligheten av fine rynker og misfarget marmorert hud, og for å gjøre at den grove ansiktshuden føles glattere.

REOSTO is a unique complex herbal formula that helps support bone metabolism and maintain bone density. It helps to slow bone loss and reduce the incidence of fractures. Reosto helps to preserve existing bone mineral mass and protein matrix. Reosto provides natural sources of Calcium, eliminating the risk of abnormally high calcium and Vitamin D levels in blood. The presence of phytoestrogens helps in modulating the synthesis and utilization of various hormones to maintain hormonal balance without any side effects.

Generic Requip is used for treating Parkinson disease and restless leg syndrome (RLS).

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant. Cyclosporine ophthalmic (for use in the eye) can increase tear production that has been reduced by inflammation in the eye(s). Cyclosporine ophthalmic is used to treat chronic dry eye that may be caused by inflammation.

Generic Retrovir is used for treating HIV infection when used along with other medicines. It is also used with other medicines to help prevent women from passing the HIV virus to the fetus during pregnancy.

Generic Revation relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body.

Generiske Revia brukes for behandling av alkoholisme og narkotiske (opioidavhengighet) hos voksne som en del av et komplett behandlingsopplegg.

Atazanavir er antiviralt legemiddel som hindrer at humant immunsviktvirus (HIV) formerer seg i kroppen. Atazanavir brukes sammen med andre legemidler for å behandle HIV, viruset som kan forårsake ervervet immunsvikt syndrom (AIDS). Atazanavir er ikke en kur mot HIV eller AIDS.

Generic Rheumatrex is used for treating certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.

Generic Rhinocort is a nasal spray containing budesonide, a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Budesonide is used to treat nasal symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, and runny nose caused by seasonal or year-round allergies.

RIDD 12.5% liquid is a potent miticide effective against both sarcoptic and demodectic mange in dogs, cats, and large animals. RIDD also controls ticks, fleas, and lice infestation in animals. It also controls earsore, humpsore and tailsore dermatitis and mange in buffaloes, cattle, small ruminants, and wild animals.

Rifadin er et antibiotikum som bekjemper bakterier og hindrer det fra å spre seg i kroppen din. Rifadin brukes til å behandle eller forhindre tuberkolose (TB). Rifadin kan også brukes til å redusere visse bakterier i nesen og strupen din som kan forårsake meningitt eller andre infeksjoner. Rifadin forhindrer at du sprer disse bakteriene til andre personer, men denne medisinen vil ikke behandle en aktiv meningittinfeksjon.

Generic Risperdal is used for treating schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It is used to treat irritability caused by autistic disorder.

Generic Robaxin is used for relieving muscle pain and discomfort caused by sprains and strains.

Generic Rocaltrol is used for managing certain conditions caused by high or low parathyroid hormone levels. It is used to manage low blood calcium levels in patients who are on chronic kidney dialysis.

Den nøyaktige måten Generic Rogaine(Minoxidil) fungerer på er ikke kjent. Det er mulig at det utvider blodkarene i hodebunnen, noe som kan forbedre hårsekkens funksjon og stimulere hårveksten. Minoxidil er brukt for å behandle mannlig mønster-skallethet hos pasienter som opplever gradvis tynnere hår på toppen av hodet.

Roszet inneholder to medisiner: rosuvastatin og ezetimib som senker kolesterolet. Roszet, sammen med diett, brukes hos voksne som har høyt kolesterolnivå i blodet for å redusere lipoprotein med lav tetthet (LDL-kolesterol) eller “dårlig” kolesterol. Den brukes også, alene eller sammen med andre LDL-senkende medisiner, hos voksne med en type høyt kolesterol som kalles homozygot familiær hyperkolesterolemi (HoFH) for å redusere LDL-kolesterol.

Generic Rulide is a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic. It is used to treat respiratory tract, urinary and soft tissue infections.

Rybelsus tabletter (semaglutide) er et reseptbelagt legemiddel som brukes hos voksne med type 2 diabetes mellitus for å redusere blodsukkernivået. Rybelsus kan foreskrives når andre diabetesmedisiner har blitt prøvd uten suksess og bør brukes sammen med kosthold og trening. Rybelsus tabletter arbeider for å senke blodsukkernivået (glukose) ved å øke hvor mye insulin som frigjøres og redusere glucagon sekresjon. Denne medisinen kan også bremse gastrisk tømming etter å ha spist.
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